work with me




The 21/90 rule states that it takes 21 days to create a new habit and 90 days to make it a permanent lifestyle change. Is there a lifestyle change you would like to make?

Commit to it for 21 days and it will become a habit.

Commit to it for 90 days and it will become a permanent part of your lifestyle.


    I offer 30-45 minute private sessions online or by phone. This could be a consultation for either the 21-day or 90-day programs which will be free if you sign up OR a stand-alone session. We will discuss your goals, determine your blocks/obstacles, and design a plan to close the gap between where you are now and the life of your dreams.


  • 21-Day Transformation

    Here’s where the fun starts! In this 21-day Transformation Program, you will receive three 30-minute private sessions online or by phone. By the end of 21-days, you will learn to release the past, adopt an abundance mindset, gain confidence, and become a happier, healthier you! This package includes a meditation class, personalized daily checklist that we make together, personalized recorded affirmations, vision board video, journal prompts, health tips, and my email so you can contact me for support throughout your entire journey. The private sessions will include training in a variety of proven tools and techniques based on your specific goals. I will also include a packet at the end of the 21 days with all the information you need to continue to grow in all areas. Break free from limiting beliefs and old habits that are holding you back. Gain confidence, passion for life, peace, joy, and freedom. This is the path to your dream life! Experience harmony now.


  • 90-Day Lifestyle Change

    Yes, yes, yes! For those who are truly ready to dive deep! This 90-day program includes everything in the 21-day Transformation package plus six more private sessions (9 total), deep wound healing, EFT Tapping, and energy point work where we can remove blocks, activate each point, and then align them to create harmony throughout your mind, body, and soul. You will learn how to generate heart and brain coherence and harness the power of your subconscious mind. Change your energy and change the world around you! Expect miracles!


  • Á la carte Vision Board Video

    Creating a vision board is a helpful technique when setting goals, but a vision board video can be even more fun and empowering! Images set to music become the perfect visualization tool. Many highly successful people use this method to push themselves toward their dreams.
