meet jessica

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I was overweight, suffering from constant debilitating migraines, living in a mindset of lack and scarcity (never enough time, money, or energy), haunted by ruminating thoughts from the past, desiring true love, and believing that peace and joy were not accessible to me in my present. My passions and dreams felt distant and somedays, impossible to reach.

Until one day, I decided there had to be more to life… there has to be another way! I started my journey to harmony and wholeness by studying and practicing many proven tools and techniques that helped me naturally heal my mind, body, and soul. I built my dream life almost instantly! This transformation brought the love, abundance, freedom, peace, joy, passion, and purpose that I dreamed of quickly after realizing my limiting beliefs and making micro-changes in my daily routine.

After witnessing these changes, people asked me, “What is your secret?”. This created a strong passion for sharing what I’ve learned with everyone who desires a healthier and happier life as much as I did. I am now a certified Health & Life Coach, specializing in Mental Fitness. Every negative emotion from jealousy to guilt is a form of pain that comes from our own minds. It is self-created. Mental fitness is the way out.

The gap between where you are now and where you want to be is much smaller than you think. Whether you want more money, love, confidence, passion, purpose, or better physical health, I can help you reach your goals. Good news! This transformation period does not need to be a struggle. There is a way to experience joy and harmony now and through every step along the way. Visit my Blog/Podcast page to find out how a Mental Fitness coach can help.