Mental fitness coach?

Mental fitness means having the tools and resilience required to live a happy and healthy life. Every day our minds are flooded with a constant flow of thoughts. These thoughts are what create our life. What story are we telling ourselves? We often aren’t aware of the thoughts we replay constantly or that the majority are negative. When we focus on fear and lack instead of freedom and gratitude, we attract more anxiety and scarcity. When we focus on wholeness and love, we are in a flow state that allows us to attract abundance and joy.

We are all creating an abundance of something. If we are not consciously aware, we are most likely attracting an abundance of what we don’t want! Every negative emotion from jealousy to guilt is a form of pain that comes from our own mind. It is self-created. Trauma and disappointment can linger and become a loop we replay in our daily thoughts that keep us stuck in the past. When we think a thought, our brains produce chemicals that make our bodies feel the way we are thinking. After time, we become addicted to these chemicals which means, we become addicted to a life that we don’t want!

We often carry limiting beliefs about ourselves that start in childhood. Examples of limiting beliefs are that we are not good enough or smart enough. Sometimes we don’t even realize that we are holding onto these assumptions or that they are holding us back. The role of a mental fitness coach is to help uncover the thoughts and feelings that are holding a person back from stepping into the future they desire. Once we are consciously aware of our obstacles, we can release them and allow our energy to be better used to create the life we want.

We are powerful beings who can choose joy, health, confidence, love, abundance, and freedom over fear, lack, addictions, hatred, disease, and depression. We are not victims of our circumstances, we are much more powerful than that. At any moment, we can decide to release our suffering and align ourselves with wholeness. Once we are in a harmonious flow, we can have all that our hearts desire and offer more goodness to the world around us.

The good news is that this process is liberating and enjoyable! There’s no need to struggle or feel shame. We are all having this human experience. The struggle occurs when we stay stuck in the loop, unconsciously attracting the opposite of what we want. Peace, joy, and overall wellness start from within.

Of all of the endless possibilities, worry and negativity means we are selecting the worst-case scenario for ourselves. Mental Fitness allows us to experience the highest good. A mental fitness coach shows you the proven tools and techniques to master your mind, body, and soul, empowering you to live the life of your dreams.